Day 13 – Lecture, Presentations and Farewell Dinner

by Plus3 China as experienced by Rosalyn

As our departure from China gets closer and closer, there is a different mood that is in the group. I think we are all sad to be leaving China and the constant novelty, but we are also looking forward to some of the familiarities of home.

Our second to last day started with a continuation of the previous day’s lecture. The topics covered were so interesting. She touched on family dynamics, the evolution of marriage in China, and politics.

After our final lecture, we broke into our groups of four to present an idea for a business in China. My group pitched the idea of taking old computer equipment that still works and placing it in very rural areas of China so that they could easily report corruption in their local governments. The engineer in our group explained the technical side of the idea. I really liked some of the ideas the other teams had.

In the evening, we had our farewell dinner. It was the traditional style with many, many different dishes. We were joined by a professor from Tsinghua who had helped to facilitate our trip. There were so many delicious things to sample. I especially remember some green beans that were wonderful.

After dinner, everyone went back to the hotel for a little while. I then went out with someone from the group and we walked around the streets of Beijing talking about the experience that was quickly coming to an end.